Episode II
The Horror
The Horror - Episode 1 - Martyrs
The Horror - The Series
Episode I - Martyrs
Christine is trying to fight for guidelines limiting the development of artificial intelligence, Jean thinks he has the natural instincts of his lab animals under control. A married couple in an open relationship is trying for a therapeutical way out of their crisis, alone in a holiday home. And then there are black dogs everywhere.
It’s about nothing less than: artificial intelligence, artificial emotions, the fight for and against human nature, the overcoming of emotions and most of all about the one emotion that can’t be overcome: fear.
That sounds pretty abstract, but it isn’t. We simply can’t and won’t give too much away. So tune in!
The Horror contains 4 espisodes.
It will stream weekly from today on (20:15h CET) at thehorror.tv
A very special thank you goes out to Philipp Kaessbohrer from btf. Without you none of this would have happened.
executive producer Philipp Kässbohrer
director Jan Bonny
screenplay Jan Eichberg
director of photography Jakob Beurle
camera assistant Gregor Steinweg Felix Mai
2. camera assistant Thorsten Gruna, Leo Sikstel, Lorna Ulbrich
gaffer Fabian Zenker
electrician Paul Pallapies, Tobias Blankenburg
sound mixer Achim Stromenger-Reich, Moritz Minhöfer, Tom Vermaaten
boom operator Tarik Badaoui
set designer Julia Pasternak, Janika Streblow, Lea Fumy
costume design Fine Steubing, Sophia Gottwald, Enis Akiev, Phyllis Pollmann
makeup artist Carolin Gechter, Julia Glaser Santina, Vergine Sarah McKenzie ,Madeleine Magnus
producer Matthias Murmann
production manager Darius Cernota
production assistant Benjamin Fischer, Nina Holberg, Emma Göttgens, Vanessa Joos
set manager Janek Kobusch, Dennis Colquhoun
1.ad Katharina Meyer-Josten
2.ad Nico Radtke, Lerke Müller, Sebastian Teitge,
casting Susanne Ritter, Teresa Messerschmidt, Carolin Worbs
technical coordinator Joachim Richerzhagen
head of postproduction Julian Schleef editor & colorist Fridolin Körner
assistant editor Rafael Maier Florian Böttger
sound design & mix Kai Holzkämper
additional sound design Paul Grosse-Schönepauck
dog trainer Film-Hund-Agentur Katja Struwe Angela Grasso Ute Becker dogs Fame Andrássy Blaer Anima Cara
The Get Well Soon Journal
--- english newsletter, see below ---
Liebe Freunde,
Bald ist es soweit, The Horror, das fünfte Album von Get Well Soon erscheint. Davor und drumherum gibt es natürlich noch Einiges zu vermelden: Statt normaler Musikvideos, gibt es dieses Mal gleich eine ganze Mini-Serie, eine Tour mit Bigband und luxuriöse Album-Formate. Ihr seht: „Think Big“ ist die Devise.
Na dann…
The Horror - Die Serie
Mit unserem bekannten Größenwahn finden wir in der famosen Film- und Fernseh-Produktionsfirma bildundtonfabrik stets Gleichgesinnte. Viele wunderbare Musikvideos sind aus dieser Kollaboration schon entstanden, aber mit The Horror wollen wir das Format noch eine Stufe höher heben: Das Musikvideo als Serie.
Ab Freitag präsentieren wir die erste von 4 Folgen, die dann in wöchentlichem Abstand erscheinen.
Für dieses Projekt konnten wir einen der aktuell spannendsten deutschen Regisseure gewinnen: Jan Bonny. Dazu ein großartiger Cast mit Merle Wasmuth und Jean-Luc Bubert in den Hauptrollen.
Christine versucht Richtlinien für künstliche Intelligenz zu erkämpfen, Jean glaubt die natürlichen Triebe seiner Versuchstiere im Griff zu haben. Ein Ehepaar in offener Beziehung sucht einen therapeutischen Weg aus der Krise, allein in einem Ferienhaus. Und überall schwarze Hunde.
Es geht um nicht weniger als: künstliche Intelligenz, künstliche Emotion, den Kampf für und gegen die Natur des Menschen, die Überwindung von Gefühlen und vor allem um das eine Gefühl, das nicht überwunden werden kann: Angst.
Das klingt abstrakt, ist es aber nicht - nur können und wollen wir noch nicht mehr verraten. Also schalten Sie ein!
Ab heute 20:15 wird jede Woche eine Neue der vier Folgen hier gestreamt: www.thehorror.tv
ein ganz besonderen DANK geht an Philipp Käßbohrer von der btf. Ohne dich wäre nichts von dem möglich gewesen!
The Grand Horror Show mit der Get Well Soon BigBand
Lehnen sie sich zurück in ihren gepolsterten Sessel und lauschen sie „The Horror“ in voller Pracht. 14 Musiker bringen wir auf die Bühne um gegen die Angst anzuspielen.
Das hier sind die exklusiven Gelegenheiten für die „GRAND Horror Show“:
August 10 - Hamburg, Elbphilharmonie (sold out!)
October 1 - Berlin, Volksbühne
October 8 - München/Munich - Kammerspiele
October 12 - Leipzig - Westbad
October 17 - Köln/Cologne - Philharmonie
October 23 - Paris, Le Trianon
October 28 - Stuttgart - T1 Theaterhaus
Tickets & Infos auf
The Horror - in allen möglichen Formaten
Wie immer haben sie die Qual der Wahl, was das Format ist, in dem sie das Album erleben möchten. Allen voran die (streng auf 1000 Stück limiterte) Vinyl-Box. Mit dem Album auf 2x12“Vinyl, dem Instrumental-Album auf 1x12“, einer akustischen EP auf 1x10“ und drei hochwertigen Kunstdrucken (3 Songs wurden hier als Comic-Strip umgesetzt). Das ist schon was. Und in der Box kann man später Liebesbriefe oder Sticker sammeln.
Darüber hinaus natürlich noch LP, 2x12“, Gatefold, 180g Vinyl, CD und digital.
Und in gut zwei Wochen ist es dann so weit. Am 8.6. erscheint The Horror.
Hier vorbestellen https://umg.lnk.to/getwellsoon_thehorror
Hier gibt es die limitiert Deluxe Box bei jpc.de
Am 25. Mai 2018 tritt die neue EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) in Kraft. Wir nehmen den Datenschutz ernst und möchten aus diesem Anlass auf folgende Informationen hinweisen:
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In großer Vorfreude,
Get Well Soon
Dear friends,
we’re almost there, son The Horror, the fifth album by Get Well Soon will be released. Before and about there are of course a few news to be told: instead of normal music-videos, this time there will be an actual mini-series, a tour with a big band and luxurious album-formats. You see: „Think Big“ is the claim.
So here we go…
The Horror - The Series
in our notorious megalomania we always find kindred spirits in the fabulous Film/TV-production company bildundtonfabrik. Many wonderful music-videos have been created in that collaboration, but with The Horror we’l try to elevate the format one step up: the music-video as a series.
This Friday we will present the first episode of four that will be released in a weekly period.
For this project we were able to get one of the currently most exciting german directors: Jan Bonny. In addition to that a fantastic cast with Merle Wasmuth und Jean-Luc Bubert in the leading roles.
Christine is trying to fight for guidelines limiting the development of artificial intelligence, Jean thinks he has the natural instincts of his lab animals under control. A married couple in an open relationship is trying for a therapeutical way out of their crisis, alone in a holiday home. And then there are black dogs everywhere.
It’s about nothing less than: artificial intelligence, artificial emotions, the fight for and against human nature, the overcoming of emotions and most of all about the one emotion that can’t be overcome: fear.
That sounds pretty abstract, but it isn’t. We simply can’t and won’t give too much away. So tune in!
The Horror contains 4 espisodes.
It will stream weekly from today on (20:15h CET) at www.thehorror.tv
A very special thank you goes out to Philipp Kaessbohrer from btf. Without you none of this would have happened.
The Grand Horror Show with the Get Well Soon BigBand
Make yourselves comfortable in your plushy chairs and listen to „The Horror“ in full glory. We bring you 14 musicians to play the fear away.
These are the exclusive occasions for „The Grand Horror Show“:
August 10 - Hamburg, Elbphilharmonie (sold out!)
October 1 - Berlin, Volksbühne
October 8 - München/Munich - Kammerspiele
October 12 - Leipzig - Westbad
October 17 - Köln/Cologne - Philharmonie
October 23 - Paris, Le Trianon
October 28 - Stuttgart - T1 Theaterhaus
Tickets & Infos:
The Horror - in several fromats
Like always you have the agony of choice for the format in which you want to experience „The Horror“. First and foremost there is (the strictly limited to 1000 pcs.) Vinyl-Box-Set. With the album as 2x12“-Vinyl, the instrumental 1x12“-Vinyl, an acoustic 1x10“-Vinyl EP and three high quality art-prints (three songs have been realized as comic strips). Well, isn’t that somthing? And afterwards the box can be used to collect love-letters or stickers.
Of course, there is also standard 2x12“-Vinyl, CD and digital.
In a little more than two weeks it’s time. On June 8th, The Horror will be out.
Pre_order here:
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is an EU-wide privacy and data protection law that gives individuals more control over their personal data. We embrace these changes, and are very serious about your data. You can opt out of course of this newsletter by unsubscibing at the end of this email.
In pleasant anticipation,
Get Well Soon
The Horror - The Series
in our notorious megalomania we always find kindred spirits in the fabulous Film/TV-production company bildundtonfabrik. Many wonderful music-videos have been created in that collaboration, but with The Horror we’l try to elevate the format one step up: the music-video as a series.
This Friday we will present the first episode of four that will be released in a weekly period.
For this project we were able to get one of the currently most exciting german directors: Jan Bonny. In addition to that a fantastic cast with Merle Wasmuth und Jean-Luc Bubert in the leading roles.
Christine is trying to fight for guidelines limiting the development of artificial intelligence, Jean thinks he has the natural instincts of his lab animals under control. A married couple in an open relationship is trying for a therapeutical way out of their crisis, alone in a holiday home. And then there are black dogs everywhere.
It’s about nothing less than: artificial intelligence, artificial emotions, the fight for and against human nature, the overcoming of emotions and most of all about the one emotion that can’t be overcome: fear.
That sounds pretty abstract, but it isn’t. We simply can’t and won’t give too much away.
So tune in!
A very special thanks to Philipp Kaessbohrer who made that all possible! We 💖 you!
Weekly episode from the 25th of may on via www.thehorror.tv
Here is the trailer: https://vimeo.com/youwillgetwellsoon/thehorrortrailer
Proudly presenting: THE HORROR - THE SERIES. You know ambition is our middle-name, so: instead of just another music-video we give you our own mini-series! Starting next friday, with a new episode every week. Realised by the always amazing Bildundtonfabrik, a fantastic cast and one of the currently most exciting german directors, Jan Bonny. We‘re excited and very curious ourselves... enjoy this little teaser!